Two professional accountants look at a clipboard full of five star reviews for Cayde Accounting and Tax
A target with an arrow to signify the accurate and precise service that Cayde Accounting and Tax provides with bookkeeping, accounting and tax

Don't just take our word for it – read what our satisfied clients have to say!

An image showing Quickbooks and Xero certification, as well as Cloud Best Practice certification
Our team is Quickbooks and Xero certified, and we've obtained the Cloud's Best Practice Certification.
We're proud of our 5-star Google Business rating, reflecting our commitment to providing outstanding services to businesses across Canada.
Top Choice for Virtual Accounting

We Help Reduce Your Taxes and Increase Your Bottom Line.

A magnifying glass hovers over an increasing bar chart with an up arrow, representing growth you will see when you work with Cayde Accounting and Tax

Accurate Job Costing

Accurate job costing &  reporting can help businesses manage profitability.

A lightbulb, pencil, cloud and gear to signify how Cayde Accounting and Tax works hard to find ways to reduce your tax liability.

Pro-Active Tax Planning & Compliance

We work all year round to identify tax strategies to help businesses save money on taxes.

A magnifying glass hovers over an increasing bar chart with an up arrow, representing growth you will see when you work with Cayde Accounting and Tax

Timely Financial Reporting

Timely financial reporting can help businesses make informed decisions about their operations.

We look at every angle to make sure you pay less taxes.

Paying less taxes is a direct increase to your bottom line profits.
Get pro-active tax planning guidance.

We build a strong foundation for financial success.

As a general contractor or builder, you know better than anyone the importance of a solid foundation in your work.
And when it comes to your business finances, the same principle applies.

Whether you’re a painter, a carpenter, a plumber or a renovator, our team of accountants is committed to strengthening your financial foundation with accurate, up-to-date books and industry-specific financial guidance to save you time, reduce your taxes and make your business more profitable.

Bookkeeping, accounting, tax and financial planning solutions - all under one roof.

Save time and reduce stress with our comprehensive services. We have decades of experience serving the unique and complex financial needs of builders and general contractors in Canada.

Our services include: Job costing and financial reporting tax planning and compliance, cost control and budgeting, bookkeeping and payroll management, business strategy and growth planning

Business owners sitting at a long table learning how to structure their corporations with the help of Cayde Accounting and Tax.

Year-round, proactive accounting and tax.

The typical accountant is reactive and only around once a year for taxes. Our team works with you year-round to proactively identify and implement tax mitigation strategies.

Since we handle your finances from bookkeeping to reporting, we can help identify cost saving opportunities and optimize your financial strategies, leading to increased profitability. This collaborative approach also allows us to anticipate and address potential financial challenges before they become problems.

Your trusted team of financial and tax experts at a fraction of the cost.

Whether you’re a general contractor or a builder, you deserve the skill and expertise of an accounting professional - without having to pay another salary. Our outsourced accounting model solves this problem.

Our team of certified experts is made up of bookkeepers, accountants and CPAs. This guarantees that your unique needs are met and that you will always have someone who can answer your questions. Building a successful business takes a strong foundation, dedicated crew and a wealth of knowledge and expertise. We can help.

Confused and hate dealing with the CRA?

Let us deal with them. As a client, we make sure to obtain authorization to deal with the CRA on your behalf. You have a business to run. Let us deal with the boring stuff.